Tuesday 9 December 2014

Research and Planning

Foundation Portfolio
Research and Planning


1. Complete your analysis of music magazines. (3 x covers, 3 x articles, 3 x contetnts pages)
2. Carry out audience research and post on your blog:
· You must create a questionnaire in order to carry out market research about your target audience.
3. Evaluate the findings of your audience research and post them on your blog. – e.g. Slideshare.
4. Create a mood board for your magazine.
5. Create an audience profile for your magazine.
6. Create a draft plan for your music magazine pages.
· Masthead
· Fonts
· Cover-lines
· Image plans
· List of contents
· Etc.
7. Create rough design drafts of your magazine pages.
8. Create all the images for each page of your magazine.

Deadline: Friday, January 9th 2015

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